I own a lot of tights as you may already know from my Tidy Tights post :) It’s because I almost always wear skirts or dresses. This means that I am constantly looking for new ones because they tend to rip pretty fast, as tights often do:)
It just felt so wasteful to throw the ripped ones out, so I decided to turn them into a necklace! The fabric is just perfect for DIY-ing and it’s so multifunctional! I also used another easy to use material: aluminum foil.
The necklace might not sound so fancy by hearing the materials, but it will look trendy, trust me!

– Aluminum foil
– A pair of old tights
(- a piece of ribbon for the decoration)

1. Make tiny balls out of the Aluminum foil.
2. Take your old tights and cut the foot of.
3. Cut the fabric in long strips.
4. Tie a knot at the end of of the fabric.
5. Place your aluminum ball against the knot and fold the fabric around it.
6. Tie a knot on the other side of the ball.
7. Repeat these steps for as long as you want the necklace to be.
8. If you have multiple strings, tie them together with a simple knot and cut of the excessive fabric.
I would have never tought to make foil beads ! That is genius !
beautiful post. Great DIY.
What a great idea!! So creative and fun.
love it
Gorgeous and so creative!
what denier tights did you use ..
I don’t remember to be honest. I think it’s about 30. They where not very see-through.
This is a good idea for children to make as a gift during craft lessons. Old, tarnished beads can be used as well. Thank you for the idea.
You could also use the “retired” tights as a material to knit or crochet with, cutting them into strips of whatever width you wanted. I’ve done something like that and it was not hard at all. Everybody loved my projects. I love this necklace (just found it).
Hi Shirley! I LOVE your idea of knitting/crocheting with old tights! Thank you so much for the inspiration, and I will definitely try it out! Lana xx